
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

ALL THE LITTLE DEVILS BETTER LEARN TO ICE SKATE: I never thought I'd live to see the day. I saw Osward the Rabbit returned to the Disney studio. I saw peace in the Middle East, I saw peace in the Middle East fall apart. I even saw George W. Bush become a second termer.

But this...this is too much. Apple is providing software to help you run Microsoft Windows on their newer Intel-based Macs. The original one-size-fits-all-and-the-sleeves-will-ride-up-with-wear OS can now reside on a computer so protective of its turf that you once had to be a lockpicker just to open the case.

I've never owned a Mac in my life and haven't been keeping up with the latest trends on the Apple side, so this is all a bit jarring to my eyes. What other hell-freezes-over developments can we expect in the future? Microsoft Linux? Bill Gates throwing open the source code? The RIAA saying "the hell with it" and throwing open the cookie jar? Stay tuned...
|| Eric 9:23 AM#

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