
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A COCK AND BULL STORY: After I finished reading Tristram Shandy lo those many years ago, my idle mind made with the speculation about what kind of movie this unfilmable book might make. Nobody had ever stepped up to the plate, but it'd be just like them to try. I pictured a Tex Avery-style metacommentary on the nature of the big screen format itself--the hairs in the projector, running off the side of the frame, grabbing sprocket holes. Hell, it never stopped Droopy, why would it stop Uncle Toby and Parson Yorick?

Anyway, somebody finally did try, and they went with a suitable (and commercially viable) mockumentary angle instead. As with anything that tries something different, it probably won't be in any theater I can find down our way; they're too busy running the latest creatively-bankrupt TV show remake. Still, come on, man, it's STEVE COOGAN; if Alan Partridge ever meant anything to you, it's gotta be worth a peek. I love the website, too; very suited to the source material.
|| Eric 12:10 AM#

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