
Friday, September 23, 2005

YEAH, LIKE ANYBODY WILL EVER SEE THIS: My favorite Scott Keith piece, hands down, has to be the Heroes of Wrestling rant, about one of the most atrocious things ever fobbed off on wrestling fandom. That was the one where an obviously hammered Jake "The Snake" Roberts ruining the end of the show inspired this type of entertaining invective: "I suppose it would be harsh of me to wish Jake would just choke on his own vomit one night and spare us all ever watching him ruin his life or the lives of the people that care about him ever again, but at the rate he's going he's probably not far off."

I don't think we're ever going to see him get that worked up about anything ever again, since he's pretty much stopped paying attention to wrestling and retired to his blog to write about things that don't piss him off. That's all well and good, but detailed wrestling-style recaps of sitcoms are just WRONG. Not terribly entertaining, either. The comment section desperately trying to shift things back to the WWE topic has much more replay value.

I've been doing the pop culture thing on and off right here for years, and the most popular entries I've ever done would be me taking a craptacular trend by the scruff of the neck and beating it against the wall until it stops breathing. If you're trying to be a Critic That Just Wants To Be Loved, Michael Medved and Gene Shalit have that market cornered. My favorite book by a movie critic is Roger Ebert's I Hated Hated Hated This Movie, so I've probably got a natural bias to spleen-venting and against critics who just settle for being endearing.

But hey, it's your life, bub. If ya gotta leave the wrestling behind, leave it, and don't be a drama queen about it. Just don't expect to get book offers to write about how good Joey is this season. If that's what keeps the Teeming Dozens in your LiveJournal community happy, whatever...

Oh, and say what you will about the man, you self-involved punk-ass (ugh) IWPers, but THE RICK HAS OUTLASTED YOU ALL! At the rate he's going, it'll be him and the cockroaches when the bombs finally fall.
|| Eric 3:53 PM#

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