
Thursday, August 11, 2005

IS THIS A NEWS SHOW OR A PROM PICTURE?: From the Crooks and Liars bag of goodies, Katherine Harris shows off the cans for Sean Hannity and professional dishrag Alan Colmes. The debate is on whether those are real or not (check the comments at C&L), but worst case scenario, they're probably paid for. All other attributes aside, that frozen smile reminds me of any year's Miss America telling us how she thinks hunger is bad and don't do drugs. Regis introduces the evening gown competition after this word from your local station...

But remember, politics is a meritocracy...the best ideas always...*snicker*...come to the front. And if you're a guy, a little to the left. Sorry, couldn't resist. Times like this makes me wish SNL did a summer series.
|| Eric 8:37 PM#

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