
Friday, February 18, 2005

LOONATICS? LOONATICS?: In yet another misguided attempt to turn around their animation division (and to rape my childhood in the process), Warner Brothers animation has put into development a "hip, edgy" reimagination of Bugs, Daffy, and company, tenatively called Loonatics. Estimated success of going over: strictly lead balloon.

My thoughts on the subject of artificially hypoing the Tunes "franchise": the reason Looney Tunes are losing mindshare has nothing to do with the characters themselves. Yanking the Termite Terrace classic cartoon package off of broadcast TV was a mistake, and removing them from Cartoon Network was an unmitigated disaster. When it's easier to find the godawful Baby Looney Tunes on television than the genuine articles, written with great care for a general audience. The sales on the Golden Collection DVDs weren't accidents; people still have a sense about quality. Forget all this latter day filligree, Hollywood. Make it easier to watch Bugs Bunny--the real, genuine, cross-dressing, hunter-busting article--and everything else will line up just fine.

But really, what the hell do I know about business? I'm just a guy who loves cartoons.
|| Eric 9:55 PM#

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