
Wednesday, December 01, 2004

PRELIMINARY REPORT: Got the Tom and Jerry Spotlight Collection last week, and although I haven't had a chance to look at everything, it looks fairly promising, but there are a few things worth noting. For those of you who got the Looney Tunes collections, the T&J restoration isn't quite on the same level as the digital scrubbing Bugs and company got, which is a bit unavoidable, since the original negatives were lost in a vault fire decades ago. What we have are some very nice 35mm prints, marred occasionally by emulsion scratches (the same dots and colored lines you'll see on the Cartoon Network versions), but being raised on 16mm prints on the "cartoon carnival" TV shows of the 70s and 80s help a guy appreciate what he gets here.

The cartoons shot in Cinemascope are shown at the original aspect ratio, showing that the thick linework we've seen in the pan-and-scan versions looks better when the cartoons are shown the right way. The producers even managed to track down a stereo soundtrack that was prepped and unused for a cartoon back in the day, a sweet trick. My favorite extra was the mini-documentary about Scott Bradley, the man who scored the MGM cartoons, which included some scene-specific commentaries read from an article he wrote on cartoon scoring back in the 1940s. It's a very nice touch I wish we'd see more of.

The cartoons themselves probably don't need my nudge; you already know what you think of T&J. In my eyes, they're solid entertainment, not a fiercely ambitious cartoon series like the Disney Silly Symphonies, but very enjoyably done. This two disc set is a decent start to another collector's series, and worth dropping a few bucks.

|| Eric 9:10 AM#

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