
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

AN AUDIENCE WITH THE KING: (a very short election day story dedicated to those who can't get enough of my message board gibberish...first draft, as always)

There was once a ruler in a land far removed from our time and temperament, a king who was enough of a philosopher to realize that a man was only as good as the people who surrounded him, so he pulled in from the far corners of the kingdom all the best and brightest minds to be his advisors. He even kept counsel with some of the odder theoreticians of the outlying provinces, for he was a man always interested in new ideas, no matter how utterly flaky they might be.

On one particular day, he granted an audience with a recent arrival, a man presented to him as a university-schooled gentleman named Pollium, with a theory of gaining the love and trust of the people. His royal scribe was among the gathered, as the throne was promised this was one for the archives.

Pollium was dressed as a gentleman, although none of the court mentioned the tattered rags he arrived in. He began with the usual oratorical flourishes of the country, then leaned into the meat of his argument. "Machiavelli, who I am sure you are all familar with, has stated that the way to gain the respect of the people is through fear or love. While he stated that fear is the easier of the two to engender in common folk, I believe the love of the people can be gained by bringing your majesty down to their level."

His Majesty cast a disapproving eye on this subject, but was willing to hear this out until the bitter end. "And pray, how would you propose to bring this 'common touch' to the throne?"

Pollium's eyes brightened, since this was the moment he had been waiting for all of his life. "It is a breathtakingly simple process, sire. If the fallability of the crown can be demonstrated, it will be embraced by the fallability of the people, like a prayer draws a blessing from the Almighty."

The king visibly twitched, and Pollium sensed that he was losing the goodwill of his royal audience before he got truly underway, but the king motioned him to proceed. "A stumble of the tongue, an occasional forgetfulness, a rashness of tone and deed, would allow the subject to say, 'Why, his Highness, he's of the same sort as my uncle, or the tobacconist, or even the man who shovels out the privvy houses! And yet here he is, the soverign of the greatest land in the universe!' It would be a grand thing!"

The king leaned forward. "Are you suggesting I carry myself like the village idiot?"

A look of concern crossed Pollium's face. He wasn't expecting the crown to state the argument so bluntly. "Not...ALL the time, sire. Just often enough to carry the support of the commoners. It's a simple proposition, sire...just picture the poise and elegance you usually wrap yourself in and occasionally do the opposite."

The presentation went on for awhile, with examples drawn from Pollium's shaky grasp of history, then the king reached for his wine glass, drained it in a motion, and looked his subject squarely in the eye. "Your point of view is most...fascinating. However, would you not say that by debasing the crown in such a way, you would lower our standing in the eyes of our allies?"

"Such an argument could be made, sire, but if they do not trust the character of the kingdom, could they truly be considered allies?"

One of the king's oldest advisors stepped forward, unable to restrain his words. "With your permission, sire, may I state that personality issues ideally have a limited place in statescraft?"

Pollium's face took a ruddy hue, as this was the first public test of his theory, and he wasn't prepared for criticism. "Do you not feel that the personality of a leader is of great importance, sir?"

"With all due respect, I have known several brilliant leaders whose personal pecadillos have made my stomach churn." The king fidgeted at this, and the advisor almost panicked. "Present company excluded, of course. However, they kept a steady hand on the rudder of state, being mindful of currents and conditions which may help or hinder their effectiveness."

Pollium looked somewhat confused at this turn of phrase. "Surely, if a man feels he is in the right, he should steer as he pleases."

"And have his boats dashed to bits on the rocks? The currents of leadership are treacherous, and an awareness of the wind and and seas are vital. However, he must keep in mind the good of the whole craft, or sink it in the bargain."

The admiral of the royal navy lifted his head at this point. "To steer even a strong boat without paying mind to the signs of the sea is suicide."

The conversation may have lasted longer if it weren't for the motion from the throne. "I feel we have heard enough. You may feast with us tonight and take your leave in the morning."

"No more, sire?" Pollium was visibly dissapointed. "But I had a number of other..."

Once again, the king waved the speaker away. "We've heard quite enough."

The man took a deep bow to the throne. "You have been most gracious, your majesty, for giving a hearing to my humble words."

When Pollium was escorted away, the king looked to his advisors, who had done all they could to keep from bursting out in laughter. "Where did you find that one again?"

A page spoke up. "Rolling in cattle business by the university, your majesty."

"Well, make sure he bathes a few times before he's seated. I don't mind listening to the people, but possibly we should be more restrictive in our invitations." He pondered the stranger's words. "Fear or love..."

For just a moment, a far-away look passed before the monarch's eyes, like the tapestry of future history was unfolding in front of him. He saw a man who ruled by these principles receiving torrents of applause from his subjects and scorn from outsiders. He saw this man marching armies to his own whims, and noted that those who wouldn't join him stepped back and let him pass. He marvelled at the hubris, and the thought that the man was getting away with it.

Then, through the mists of time, he saw this leader flip him the bird. "It's the one-fingered salute," the phantom ruler laughed, before the veil dropped over the scene.

The monarch shook himself and slammed his fist on the arm of the throne. "Oh, what the hell, have him beheaded at dawn."

|| Eric 10:59 AM#

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