
Sunday, October 03, 2004

TIME FOR A QUICKIE: A nice side-effect of the Atkins army low-carbing the nation is that to accomodate our American predispositon for SUGAR (and keep it coming), the makers of sweets are turning down the volume on the oversweetness. A good case in point is in front of me now: the Bi-Lo store brand chocolate ice cream is flaunting a reduced carbohydrate count, but the lighter flavor is very nice, like a chocolate mousse. I tried a different store brand not long after, with a more traditional store brand flavor, and it tasted wrong, wrong, wrong. Too heavy, wrong mouth feel, so on and so forth.

Could it be that the push away from processed food and the cutting down of sugars will undo the country's taste for overly seasoned junk food? The trend has been towards stronger and bolder, and now thanks largely to the dead doctor the food companies have been forced to head in another direction. Some might say that underseasoned junk food is still junk food, but as I keep saying, you pays your money and you takes your chances.
|| Eric 8:29 PM#

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