
Monday, July 26, 2004

PLEDGE BREAK: Ooookay, for those of you who haven't been following my adventures, I'm trying to roust up some of the malcontents to make a difference. So if you really want to make a difference, volunteer to spread the word or cough up a few bucks to feed the Kerry campagin kitty.

Whenever you catch the president talking about what he calls "compassionate conservatism" to what I call "indifferent Urban League audiences", feed the Kerry kitty.

Whenever Gary Trudeau writes another week of stories about how B.D. is dealing with losing his leg in Iraq, feed the Kerry kitty. Whenever you read another week of stories about real people getting maimed or killed in Iraq, feed the kitty again.

Whenever Fox News, in their freakshow idea of convention "coverage", cuts off a keynote speaker who's saying something Rupert Murdoch doesn't agree with, which they just did to Jimmy Carter, feed the Kerry kitty. If they cut to that clip of Teresa Heinz Kerry telling that jerk to shove it, feed the Kerry kitty twice. And drink a shot of something for me.

Just a couple of examples to get the ball rolling. If you can think of others, let me know and I'll put 'em up, as long as you feed the...oh, you know...
|| Eric 9:33 PM#

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