
Tuesday, July 06, 2004

THE HIGH GROUND: It's so nice to see the White House dedicate the campagin to the issues...*snort*. John Edwards was a trial lawyer, okay? The announcement was made earlier today, and the Dubya camp didn't waste any time in jumping all over that, rolling all over it like he was a convicted sex offender.

Still, we've got all the smears laid out in a row nice and early. Edwards was a trial lawyer. Kerry was a Vietnam vet who became a Vietnam War protestor and married an heiress. Bush was an oil man and a cokehead who dodged the draft. Cheney was a Haliburton exec. WE GET IT ALREADY! Now can we please move the hell on and deal with the whole "fixing the country" thing? The seniors getting screwed over on the cost of their medication? The economy? The war in Iraq that isn't over a full year after they declared it over?

Let's stay focused, people. If we must fling the muck, let it be based on what these people did while holding elected office. All this filigree isn't doing the country any good.

And if the Bush people and the Kerry people still choose to go their own way...well, there's always Nader.

AND WHILE WE'RE ON THE SUBJECT: Let's give a big howdy-ho to the latest member of the Blog Nation, Michael Moore. Started on the Fourth of July...who could've seen that coming? Still, it should be an interesting read in the ramp up to election day.

AND WHILE WE'RE ON THE SUBJECT (PART DEUX): Poor ol' New York Post...they're not really doing very well lately, are they? I'd say "this just isn't their year", but the closest they've actually HAD to a year was the one where they printed the deathless headline "HEADLESS BODY FOUND IN TOPLESS BAR", and you can't coast on past glories forever.
|| Eric 11:01 PM#

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