
Friday, July 30, 2004

BACK INTO THE MUD: A few more links related to the Democratic convention and then I'll go back to being irrelevant for awhile.

As you may have heard, there was a whole blogger section at the convention this year, and here's a blogger who threw video into the mix. I never thought I'd see the day that the phrase "credentialed bloggers" would be used in any context, but there you are.

Speaking of blogs, here's an individual who spent the first part of the year tracking the blatant misstatements of the Bush campagin's propaganda wing. Good starting point for counterpoints. Have fun.

For those of you who were sick of PLEDGE BREAK before it started, the main push ended when John offically accepted, and the results are that my readers are a bunch of cheap bastards. Either that or evil Nader boosters (hi, Chaz). Private funds aren't usable for the general election campagin, so we're done with that phase. You can still feed the kitty indirectly, though, since the contribute button now points to the campaign's General Election Legal and Accounting Compliance Fund (GELAC), which will keep the general election funds focused on getting the message out.

If you can't open your wallet, put out the word as best as you can.
|| Eric 11:53 PM#

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