
Friday, May 14, 2004

THE MYSTERY IS RESOLVED: I think I've figured out why Blogger was so sluggish...they changed the layout for the whole thing. If you have a blog at all, you've probably already noticed this. If you don't, click on the above link...and...um...keep in mind that what you're seeing didn't look like that last week. I'm just sayin', that's all...

HEY, IT'S KURT VONNEGUT! And hasn't completely lost his mind yet...well, no more than most of us these days. It's an editorial, though, so don't say I didn't warn you before you click here. If you never picked up one of his books, just keep in mind he's always sounded like that.

ANOTHER INDECIPHERABLE JOKE: The stat tracker is a remarkable thing, and points out other links I might've missed, but should I be worried about #132 on the Yahoo search list for...um...a familiar name?
|| Eric 3:15 AM#

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