
Thursday, February 05, 2004

TOOK 'EM LONG ENOUGH: I don't really have a lot to say about this...when I saw Kid Rock's Stars and Stripes poncho (in the only part of the Super Bowl halftime show I actually watched), I figured it was only going to be a matter of time before somebody pinned his ears back for it. MTV-ready stars have draped themselves in the flag for years, so that in itself wouldn't be an issue. What really ticked off the Veterans of Foreign Wars is that either Kid Rock or his wardrobe person (and HOO BOY, what a concept that is) sliced into a flag to make a fashion statement, and even worse in the VFW's eyes, nobody else made a yip over it because of the ongoing drama of Tittygate.

Excuse me for a moment...I must pray for forgiveness for uttering a -gate suffixed word in this blogspace.

You'll notice that I haven't stated my opinion on the whole thing, and that's because of the lateral approach I take to certain types of controversies. I'm more than happy to get up to my elbows in women's cleavage (and there's an image that's bound to linger), but I keep my hands out of flag politics, since it's usually a distraction in election years...hey, like THIS ONE! I'll just stick to the obvious, that the stunt pushed a different set of buttons than the ones for which I'm assuming Kid R was aiming.

I'll also mention that it was roundly ignored a few years ago when Comedy Central's TV Funhouse gang decided to give Hawaii "its own flag" by cutting out star number fifty (with safety scissors, of course) and pasting it to a flap of cardboard. All in the context, I guess.

AND SPEAKING OF DISTRACTIONS, another all-nighter with the things rattling around in my head inspired a new tagline, inspired by Doctor Who's long-term villians the Daleks. And really, it states its own case, doesn't it? Blogger calls it the description field, but I call it THE BILLBOARD OF MY MIND. Have fun figuring that statement out; I know I will once I'm fully awake again.
|| Eric 5:27 AM#

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