
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

SNOW DAYS REDUX: So the chance of freezing rain or hail that was being called for heading into the weekend turned into hours of snowfall, with a touch of hail as the cherry on top. Roughly five to six inches landed, followed by 18 degree overnight weather. You might not have been able to tell from my pictures, but I live on the lip of where one of the rural parts of the local area begins (the country part of the country, I call it), so while the main roads are probably good, we don't have any of those in my neighborhood. I've seen somebody plow this road exactly twice in my life, which tends to make life very interesting in these conditions.

Right now, the temp is pegged teasingly at 32, and I'm looking at the second day of downtime from work (they're very understanding, but that's probably because they don't remember who I am half the time). I also started teaching myself piano with the unexpected extra time, so life is just getting cornier and cornier. Stay tuned.
|| Eric 2:12 PM#

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