
Sunday, January 25, 2004

OH BOY: That tiny touch of winter weather that was being called for earlier in the week turned out to be snow, and lots of it. It's not supposed to let up until midnight, and by the end of the day, we're supposed to have five inches, which would probably make it the biggest snowfall we've had in years.

AND YES, I KNOW. We're spoiled weenies down our way. We haven't had twenty below for weeks on end. Two flakes on the ground, and the grocery stores are nothing but empty shelves for weeks. We usually get fair and mild, with stuff like this to break it up every once in awhile; that just how it is. Add to that the short sleeve weather we had yesterday, and you can see how this wasn't the expected end to the weekend. So there.
|| Eric 1:43 PM#

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