
Saturday, January 10, 2004

MY DAY IN REVIEW: Welcome to the sunny south...

The frozen tundra of my front yard

That's right, take a good steamin' gawk...

(Go fullscreen with your browser if the page cuts off the edge of the pics...)

That was from Friday afternoon (just west of central North Carolina, if I haven't mentioned it lately), when the temperature got to 34, if memory serves. Some of you might notice you can still see the grass sticking up through the dusting, and before you ask, the road was perfectly clear. Still, I'll bet you won't be able to find milk and bread in town for another week. All we usually get these days is ice, so when the flakes fall down, it's a great novelty.

I might have to squeeze off a few other shots (and maybe some pictures, too...HAWHAWHAWstopit) before it all melts. We're just on the lip of where the rural part of the country really gets started, so there's plenty of space around here.
|| Eric 4:02 AM#

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