
Saturday, January 24, 2004

GOOD NIGHT, CAPTAIN: Bob Keeshan, network TV's Captain Kangaroo, died Friday at 76. It's raining ping pong balls in Heaven tonight.

(Edit 1/25 @ 1:20pm: One of the reasons that Mark Evanier is on the "trusted others" list is that, as a TV writer (among other things) he comes up with great stories like this one and this other one. Good stuff about the man behind the Captain.)

AND BY THE WAY: I'm reading this story from yesterday morning, about a little stunt Bush pulled in Roswell, NM where he planted himself behind the counter of a local restaurant and ordered some ribs, and when the reporters started peppering him with questions, he challenged them to order something too. This by itself is just standard election year shenanigans, but OH BROTHER, this headline:


Folks, I know a lot of you have been suspecting that something has smelled funny in this country for quite awhile, but when the headlines from the wire services start sounding like the front page of The Onion, it's a sure sign we're utterly, utterly SCREWED.
|| Eric 4:04 AM#

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