
Thursday, December 25, 2003

HAPPY HOLIDAYS: (crossposted from the Thread aPa forum) What I gave...mom got a National Geographic gift subscription, stepdad got Michael Jackson DVDs, brother got a vanity plate for the front bumper (he had only one thing on his list, and it was a bit steep), and sister-in-law got Friends Season 3 on DVD.

From the folks, I got the Fritz Lang Metropolis DVD and $25 bucks (because my list was a bit hard to pin down as late as I turned it in), and Simpsons Season 3 and Space Ghost: Coast to Coast Volume 1 from my brother and sister-in-law. I also ended up with a gift basket with ham, crackers, cheese and mustard from the dirty Santa game last night.

We ate and ate and ate last night with the aunts, uncles, cousins and other hangers-on, then we got up this morning and did it again at my brother's house. After that, we watched A Charlie Brown Christmas (which I missed on ABC AGAIN this year) and the Grinch movie, and that brings us to now.

And yes, smartasses, eventually I STOPPED EATING...
|| Eric 10:32 PM#

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