
Friday, November 07, 2003

GOOD START TO THE DAY: Looking in Nickelodeon's "best of" Slime Time Live this morning, I found the most improbable celebrity guest: "Macho Man" Randy Savage. If you've never seen STL (and with that constant wall of screaming children, who can blame you), the show usually ends with two "teams" of three kids each sitting onstage as a sort of living scoreboard for two kids called at home. Whenever the home kid gets an answer, one of the kids on their "team" gets a pie in the face. Three pies mark a winner, and that team gets green slime. There's usually an adult type in a dunk tank, and if they don't guess which side wins, they get dunked, too. They also spray the audience with water, just because they can. The junior-high-and-under kids eat this stuff up, I'm sure.

Now get this...the Macho Man was given two choices, the kids dressed in orange or the kids dressed in blue. "I'm choosin' the silver and the black!" Then he starts flexing while the host diplomatically explains that those aren't the choices.

In the end, he chooses the losing side and gets dunked. He loses the hat, exposing his shiny pate, and they hand him a rubber duckie. A proud moment in any man's career, and probably the highlight of Macho's year. The host, who had escaped all the mess unslimed, made his way to the tank.

"Macho Man, any final words?"


I guess it's his shtick now to challenge Hogan everywere he goes, but that's a hell of a thing to be screaming on a Nick show, especially immediately before Dora the Explorer. ("Mommy, what did the Macho Man mean when he said 'Be a man'?" "Ummmm, he meant that Hulk Hogan should help the needy and be kind to others..." "Why did he scream it like that?" "Because Hulk Hogan can't hear very well anymore...have some raisins, honey.") Savage fits this type of show, since he makes a lot of noise without really saying anything, but I wonder how his agent figured a kid's show would be a great place to promote his gangsta rap album?

It makes me miss Bozo the Clown that much more. And that goes triple for Captain Kangaroo.
|| Eric 9:30 AM#

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