
Wednesday, September 17, 2003

OW, MY HEAD: Man, I have a headache right now. To prove to myself that I hadn't lost my fine literary mind after taking nearly a month of inconsistent reading to finish the last book I picked up (never mind that it was 300+ pages of nonfiction, with footnotes), I decided to see how long it would take me to get through Ayn Rand's Anthem in one sitting. The criteria for my choice: I hadn't read it before and it was here, having picked it up from the Salvation Army store a few months ago. I dug in with both hands using the Photoreading technique, which lets your subconscious mind "photograph" the entire book in a few minutes, following by a more conscious "activation" phase (which, in the case of fiction, would be a speedreading step; nonfiction activation can be handled in a few different ways).

The end run: 123 pages of Objectivism in one hour and twenty-three minutes. Not my personal best, but it's reasonable compared to my piss-poor performance lately. Somebody said to me that it's better to get a headache from thinking too much than having one from not thinking at all. I don't think I'll be going that fast with Atlas Shrugged, though.
|| Eric 11:56 PM#

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