
Saturday, September 06, 2003

OH, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN: In a sure sign that the 1980s retro movement has gone too far, those rotten little Smurf figurines are back. Prepare for a plague of little blue plastic critters in the lives of you favorite middle-school-or-younger-aged female relatives. Followed by a season where it rains nothing but giant frogs. (/lewisblack)

There have been a lot of fun Smurf parodies over the years, but the one that really stuck with me was a throwaway bit in a GI Joe episode where Cobra took over all the TV satellites, and used them for their own brand of social messages, having to do with acceptance of Cobra's overpowering central leadership and conformity to the new status quo. This being the 1980s, one of the rewired series was a sickly-green version of the Smurfs. If was pretty much a throwaway, but I remember the bit clearly: two green Smurfalikes say to one of another color, "if we all look the same (magic color change here) and ACT the same, EVERYTHING WILL BE O-KAY!" The deed being done, all three identical Smurfalikes frolic off into the woods, hopefully to be tastefully eaten by Azrael offscreen.

If that message sounds vaguely familiar, then you probably know Cobra Commander better in his civilian identity: Rupert Murdoch.
|| Eric 12:36 PM#

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